December Weather in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Ibiza

Posted by: TaraENYC

December Weather in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Ibiza - 11/06/04 08:31 PM

My friend and I will be in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Ibiza (maybe) at the end of December. She thinks its going to be quite warm, I think it will be colder. Can someone confirm what the weather will most probably be like in these different areas in that timeframe.

Also, is there any point in going to the islands during this time or will they be dead?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
Posted by: arthurg

Re: December Weather in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Ibiza - 11/07/04 09:02 PM

I too will be there at about the same time--3 weeks in Madrid studying Spanish and one week in Barcelona being a tourist---November 21 through December 18. I've been checking the local weather on and get the impression that Madrid is somewhat colder than New York City where I live.
Posted by: ebetancourt

Re: December Weather in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Ibiza - 11/07/04 09:24 PM

Try Type in the city you are interested in, for example "Sevilla" and look around for the "travel" link. Enter your travel days and get the last seven (I think) years' history.

Posted by: Murdy

Re: December Weather in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Ibiza - 11/15/04 04:59 PM

No, Madrid isn't colder than NYC, but it can get close and it's generally pretty chilly in December. It can also rain quite a bit (sometimes snow), but that's sort of a year-to-year thing. I don't live in Barcelona, but I imagine it's similar, perhaps a little milder because it's on the water. Ibiza is a better bet but it's been known to snow there too. Typically unpredictable weather. Seville is overall the warmest. The best is to check with the weather sites like as your arrival dates approach. Good luck
Posted by: sakemph

Re: December Weather in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Ibiza - 11/17/04 08:01 PM

How is the weather in February in Madrid and Barcelona? My daughter and I are scheduled to travel to Spain over February break.
Posted by: Murdy

Re: December Weather in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Ibiza - 11/18/04 03:09 PM

You can get just about anything in Madrid in February. But it won't be worse than Geneva, NY, trust me. Nighttime temps can dip below freezing, but if you get a string of good weather, it might be in the 60s during the day. More like is 40s and 50s. Check internet weather in the days previous to your arrival.