Bullish on Spain

Posted by: Booklady

Bullish on Spain - 07/05/03 11:03 AM

The Washington Times carried an excellent article by R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., the editor in chief of the American Spectator about several topics we have recently discussed on this board.

I have been tooling around the south of Spain in search of anti-Americanism and the perfect bullfight. The anti-Americanism does not seem to be much in evidence.
He aslo offers the reader a historical perspective on anti-Americanism

In a very interesting article in this summer's issue of the Public Interest, James W. Ceaser, a professor of politics at the University of Virginia, reminds us that anti-Americanism began in the 18th century from the musings of such eggheads as the aptly named Count de Buffon, the leading biologist of his day and I presume a Frenchman
He then describes the Spanish people we have come to admire
Yet, as I say, I have been with normal everyday Spaniards. They are a dignified people. Their language is elegant. They are honest and have a famous code of honor. Frankly, I, as an admirer of Italy, do not know why I did not come upon Spain sooner...The Spanish character is sufficiently lively for me. The artifacts seen throughout Spain testify to its grandeur and momentous history.
Then he discusses the grandeur of a spanish Bullfight
Many Americans are in attendance at these bullfights, a surprisingly large number of them young women. At least three of the types of participants in the fight are very gifted athletes, the banderilleros, the cuadrillas, and of course the matadors. The fat picadores sitting on their embattled horses and poking lances into the bull are to my mind repulsive, and Hemingway felt that of all the participants the ones most deserving of pity were the horses. The bulls are very handsome, have enormous strength, and accelerate like huge Mercedes sedans across the ring. I would not want to be in one's path. Most end up on someone's dinner table, often, I am told, at a shelter for the homeless.
A very diverting article.
Posted by: Chica

Re: Bullish on Spain - 07/05/03 05:05 PM

Booklady thanks for sharing the article! Very interesting! I have saved the link to pass it along to friends and family...

Although in my opinion, the Hollywood stars can continue to harass republican presidents...afterall Ronald Reagan was both! wink laugh