Why Spain is GREAT

Posted by: Quintos233

Why Spain is GREAT - 01/02/03 12:00 AM

Spain is a great country for great people Spain discovered the new world and made it possible for some of the worlds greatest democarzies to exist such as Mexico US etc. Spain is for sure the most influental country in the history of man kind from the Phillipines to Cuba this country known as Spain has been and influenced the culture from Mexico City to Quito to Madrid from Los Angeles to Barcelona Spain has infleunce the culture and we must regonize this country which is often ignored by America because it was the greatest Super Power in the History of the world and now it is no more of the former glory of herself but just like every other Super Power the US's super power will eventually go away it is a law of nature so must the US look at Spain for advice because they are two twins seperated by a few hundred years Spain is and always will be a great nation because we are a nation of dreams and I hope to see the Spain that discovered the New World and the Spanish people to take there dreams into Space and wander the Universe just like Columbus did a few hundred years ago " A nation of dreams conquerers a nation of good and bad but we al know it has influence the world for the best. Spain will once again rise above the ashes and go back to its former glory!! Espana es dueno.
Posted by: El Cid d'Espaņa

Re: Why Spain is GREAT - 01/19/03 10:00 PM

What have you been drinking? And I mean that in a jokingly way. :p

You are right, Spain will rise out of the ashes like the phoenix.