Barcelona - Looking for a Thrift Shop/2nd Hand Store

Posted by: livinNspain

Barcelona - Looking for a Thrift Shop/2nd Hand Store - 10/21/04 05:46 AM

I´m looking for a store that sells used clothing in Barcelona. Thrift store? Second hand shop? Any help would be appreciated.
Posted by: lngarrison

Re: Barcelona - Looking for a Thrift Shop/2nd Hand Store - 01/11/05 08:20 PM

Buying things Second Hand or at a thrift store is a very American concept. The concept of used stuff has not caught on. I think because most Spanairds (and the rest of Europe) don't waste as much as Americans...but that's another tangent...You will hardly find any of those in Barcelona...much less in Spain. But if you must find them, there are two 2nd hand stores in Barrio Gotic, the Gothic Quarters. They are advertised as "antique" stores. They don't really have a lot of good stuff. They are also located in the seedier part of the Barrio Gotic, I had to ask around to find them. And beware, if your Spanish is not good, they will rip you off. There is also a few Goodwill stores, which can be found through the yellow pages. During the end of summer in the Cathedral Square, they have an Antique show where they sell all sorts of stuff. The best finds are items from the Spanish Civil War. I hope this helps.