Hi, I'm in Italy now (September) and I'll be here thru October. I recently graduated at a Spanish major in the US and am just seeing the world now. I'd love to go to spain for November, but I don't know where I'd go or what I'd do. So if you know of any month long opportunities let me know please! I'd love to stay with a family or travel around with great people. If you know of any family that would be interested (i stess interested) in hosting an american for a month, I'd be glad to meet them first and have references. I'm teaching english in Italy, and I'd be glad to help out in a house, look after kids and teach english. Or if you know someone who would let me stay with them cheap for just a few days anywhere in spain, I'd be interested.
Or if you're just looking for a traveling partener, send me an email and get to know each other.