The new issue of CN Traveler features an article on the Canary Islands, pretty interesting for a basic run through on the towns and what to do there....
But more interesting of note is a one page map and article of what to do in Madrid if you had only 24 hours...It starts with a 10am tour of the Reina Sofia, takes you to the Prado (1 1/2 hours only there), and then stopping along the way as you walk through the city center...It ends at 4am at San Gines for chocolate, giving time in the mid afternoon for a siesta to refuel for the night....NOw I in no way recommend seeing Madrid in a day, that is impossible, but I thought for the posters on the board who often ask what they can do in a day in Madrid, it was a pretty decent itinerary..., of course we all have our own itineraries, but for a basic one, this was ok.