re-entering spain after overstaying a visa

Posted by: Roe

re-entering spain after overstaying a visa - 09/05/02 02:49 PM

I'm back in the States on a short vacation after being in Spain for 6 months on a 3 month tourist visa. I'm trying to figure out what I should do to re-enter the country. I got a stamp when I entered the EU but didn't recieve a stamp when I left, and didn't recieve a stamp from the US either (I do think that the US might have put me in their computers). So now that I am planning on going back, any ideas if I will be denied entry as aa tourist? I have a layover in Paris, so that is where I would enter the EU. I am also considering getting a student visa, but would they not give me a student visa if I had a stamp that I entered the EU, but no stamp saying that I left? . Any ideas?
Posted by: alejandro

Re: re-entering spain after overstaying a visa - 09/05/02 08:23 PM


A friend of mine just ran into a similar problem. He was there for 97 days on the typical 90-day visa. As he was leaving Spain, the customs agent gave him a hard look, but sent him on his way. He seems to think that he would have to wait 90 days before reentering Spain but I do not know what leads him to believe this. He is more concerned about going back because he "got caught." Madridman has a link to that discusses visas and related topics. Hope it helps. Good luck on getting back! I will say "hi" to Bilbao for you when I am there next week!
Posted by: JJP

Re: re-entering spain after overstaying a visa - 09/05/02 08:32 PM

¡hola! Roe,

You might want to check out THIS site, or THIS one could be better. The latter is a list of Spanish consulates.

I haven’t been through a fellow EU country -- prior to entering Spain -- since before the terrorist attacks. In August of 2001 we entered Frankfurt with the minimum of hassle. And the flight to Málaga from Germany required no customs, obviously -- it just felt odd to enter Spain and disembark as if you'd flown from San Diego to Miami.

Couldn't imagine you'd have a problem reentering España, but it's always prudent to check before getting on the plane. Good luck.
Posted by: Espe3

Re: re-entering spain after overstaying a visa - 09/05/02 09:24 PM

What happened? No wedding yet?!
I hope everything is ok!
Posted by: Roe

Re: re-entering spain after overstaying a visa - 09/05/02 11:25 PM

Espe3, I just wanted to come back home and breath a little before I do that. So that is another point, I am planning on getting married when I get there. There aren't any sort of fiance visas for Spain are there? I suppose that if they stop me I can tell them that I am planning on getting married and break out the mounds of paperwork that I have gotten together for the process as proof.
Posted by: Chica

Re: re-entering spain after overstaying a visa - 09/06/02 07:27 PM

Roe --
Since you are going the marriage route, have you considered getting married in the states vs. Spain? From what I understand (my own experience aside) it´s alot easier and much less papeleo to get married in the States and process all the paperwork through a consulate, than to get married in Spain and deal with the papeleo.

Just a thought.
Posted by: Roe

Re: re-entering spain after overstaying a visa - 09/20/02 06:39 AM

Coming back into Europe was a breeze. I didn´t have any problems. The people at the passport control barely looked at my passport. They looked through the pages or stamped it or anything.
Posted by: Espe3

Re: re-entering spain after overstaying a visa - 09/20/02 10:14 AM

Cool! I was going to say, even if the US did have you in the computer (and most likely do) it wouldn't affect you getting into Spain, that's something the Spanish gov't. has to deal with and figure out on their own. Not having stamps helps, but then again, have you ever noticed that most of the time the date comes out, but not the rest of the stamp that actually says where you came in/out?!

Anyways, glad to hear it wasn't a problem. Maybe I should take the plunge... but then there's that job issue... I'm still waiting to hear about my papers, should have some news sometime next month! Cross your fingers!

And good luck to you! Keep us posted!