Madrid Heat wave

Posted by: billy ski

Madrid Heat wave - 06/22/01 08:09 PM

Hola: I just receieved word from a friend in Madrid that the Heat Wave continues. He informs me that it was 104 F. in the shade!!! Imagine what it must be in direct sunlight. Be prepared for a brutal summer in the Capital City. Stay indoors where it is Air Conditioned & try to assure youeself of AC rooms. Drink plenty of water if out & around sight seeing & save the running for early morning or after sunset. Stay Cool whenever possible. Otherwise Enjoy! cool eek cool eek rolleyes
Posted by: replay

Re: Madrid Heat wave - 07/19/01 02:42 PM

Where is the hot? laugh
Now it´s 20.29 and I am cool in my home without AC and in the outside there is 20º - 68F.

In June there were a short heat wave, but we never get into 104F (it is VERY uncommon for Madrid in the shade) in that "heat wave" we got 36º - 97F , and with 5-10% of humidity it is soportable if you stay in the shade during the hot sun hours.

During july we are having low temperatures, today we were with 16º - 60F during the whole morning (10º - 50F in the early), and for the moment July it is having a max average of 29º - 84F and min average of 17º - 62F. It is normal comparing with the last 30 years temperature.

Weather is crazy smile
Posted by: picara

Re: Madrid Heat wave - 07/19/01 05:17 PM

You're right, those temperatures don't count as a heat wave at all! I'm speaking as someone who once lived in Tucson (which counts as a modified h@ll on earth, as far as I'm concerned (sorry la maestra) even though it IS a "dry heat") and who now lives in Albuquerque NM. :o <- hot face :p

I'm looking forward to getting to Madrid in August... I don't think it will be any hotter than our weather here (90s F and humid these days). wink
Posted by: Kurt

Re: Madrid Heat wave - 07/19/01 05:31 PM

Chicago's in a stretch of three 90+(f)days in a row, with a forecast of several more. Humidity at night is close to 100%. But, considering winter, who's complaining? cool
Posted by: la maestra

Re: Madrid Heat wave - 07/19/01 06:59 PM

Ay, Picara, eres tan exagerada! YUMA, now THAT'S hot! We're enjoying cool, 98 degree weather this week with the monsoon in full swing. It's almost too cool to swim and I may be pulling out my long johns soon wink
Posted by: augustus28

Re: Madrid Heat wave - 07/19/01 07:49 PM

I was there during that heatwave, staying with a friend who had no A/C. I would wake up from my siesta, and i would get up and notice a silouette of my body on the matress in sweat. I was dying...! null
Posted by: CAN14

Re: Madrid Heat wave - 07/19/01 09:16 PM

I just returned from Spain. We arrived the last week of June and thought we were melting during the day when the temperature reached 42 degrees Celcius one day (quick somebody do the math for F). Even last weekend it was still very warm. Water is cheap so buy it often.
Posted by: roses

Re: Madrid Heat wave - 07/20/01 05:52 AM

There was a heat wave a few weeks ago, but lately it has been quite cool. Right now it is 20 degrees and that calls for a pair of jeans and a sweater. Last night I was freezing and I had to close my window. I don´t know what is up with the weather. But today´s weather report is very nice. A cool 20 degrees and not a cloud in the sky...roses