Dressing for May/June

Posted by: txcyclist76

Dressing for May/June - 03/23/04 11:42 AM

I will be in Spain, all over Spain May12-June 2. I will going very light, budget style, but plan on visiting my sister in Salamanca. I would like to take in some night life while in Spain, though I'm not really a techno, dance club kind of person. What are the dress codes like in the bars, clubs and cafes?
Posted by: La Sorpresa

Re: Dressing for May/June - 03/24/04 08:18 AM

I can't tell you the dress code for clubs, but I can tell you that everyone...and I do mean EVERYONE...dresses far better than we do in the states. I'm talking from businesspeople to street sweepers...from opera goers to cashiers. Everyone looks good all of the time! It feels very upscale and civilized!
Posted by: Miguelito

Re: Dressing for May/June - 03/24/04 10:27 AM

I would say than in Salamanca they dress even better, you could talk with your sister to make up an idea. But I think that the minimum for night life would be shoes, jeans and a t-shirt.
Posted by: RennerLKO

Re: Dressing for May/June - 04/07/04 01:59 AM

If you are over 40 do the fur thing; if you are under get local by wearing fish-net stockings and a tight skirt.

Seems pink is all the rage for spring in Spain right now. Every clothing/department store that my wife visited - AND, OH YES, SHE FOUND THEM ALL - offered pink, overwhelming pinkness frankly, designed for the 20ish-30ish clubbers.
Pack your stuff, or some stuff, from the 80's and you will be stylin' big time.

Prepare for vigilant advances and have an out prepared.

My 23 year old daughter has been there for a few months and, as the only American blonde for miles around, she has now mastered the detente of appearing in a club or bar.
Posted by: MTTrueBlue

Re: Dressing for May/June - 04/17/04 01:27 AM

I'll also be in Spain during May and June, and the dress is a big concern for me.

Being a college student in the United States jeans and a t-shirt is what I usually wear to classes. When I'm at work I usually wear a polo shirt and jeans.

With this type of dress will I stand out? Is the polo shirt as popular or acceptable as a button up shirt? Are jeans and shorts acceptable or should I stick with the slacks? What color slacks should be worn during the summer months?
Posted by: aarni

Re: Dressing for May/June - 04/17/04 06:15 AM

A lot of clubs and bars, especially with doormen, are strict on sports shoes, sneakers or as we call them runners. Tracksuits are also frowned upon (the trendy ones) as it's considered 'prole'
Posted by: aarni

Re: Dressing for May/June - 04/17/04 06:17 AM

Forgot to mention, re: streetwear, 'Hasta el cuarenta de Mayo, no te quitas el sayo'
Posted by: MTTrueBlue

Re: Dressing for May/June - 04/19/04 09:48 PM

I apologize for my lack of knowledge of the Spanish language, but what is "el sayo'"?

Also what is the dress for Sunday church or mass? What about a jacket? Is it necessary in the summer also?
Posted by: Avril

Re: Dressing for May/June - 11/16/04 11:29 PM

Hello, According to my handy dictionary el sayo is smock, it is the Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary if you are looking for a "everyword that ever existed dictionary" but honestly I didnt' know what it meant either. I have heard that too that everyone dresses up all the time. The fish net stockings and a tight skirt I hadn't heard, it is cool, but I'm definitely going to have to invest in more dress clothes when I go.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Dressing for May/June - 11/18/04 05:32 AM

I think it's kind of a second skirt women wore when it was very cold.
Posted by: worriedaboutspain

Re: Dressing for May/June - 02/19/05 06:09 PM

What would you suggest for a 16yr old girl? I'm not into pink, and find it Evil!!! but, I don't object to bright colors *i'm not a goth or anything, just not very pink-y* but I like the fish nets...any websites? what about clubbing clothes for teenagers? What's worn there? is it the same as in the states usually? i'm a jeans, t-shirt *sweatshirt if it's cold* and heels girl...I rarely dress up, but I want to get the full experience of Spain so I want to blend in and not look so American...any ideas?
Posted by: MATADOR

Re: Dressing for May/June - 02/19/05 08:59 PM

I remember a store in spain. I is under the same group as zara. Many teens and college kids shop there. Check this out. http://www.e-stradivarius.com/
Posted by: kelar419

Re: Dressing for May/June - 02/20/05 12:51 PM

take a look at Zara's and Mango's websites, that should give you an idea smile