
Posted by: Hanna

Madrid-by-night-tours - 05/08/02 03:23 AM

I'm going to Madrid for the first time in June and i've been a bit worried how i get the chance to see the famous nightlife of madrid, since i am travelling solo. I don't really feel comfortable going to a bar or a disco alone, so i was happy to found a message here which mentioned these Madrid-by-night-tours. I would love to hear any comments people might have of them, especially personal experiences.
I'm 18-years-old and this will be the fist time i'm going backpacking and i think i've got more confidence after reading these messages and of course a lot of useful tips. Thank you.
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: Madrid-by-night-tours - 05/08/02 10:05 AM

Hi Hanna! (I've always loved that name)

I know Andrés is dying to tell you about his Walks of Madrid tapas tours but he knows my policy about self advertising so... well... since I have some experience in them I'll give my feedback.

I took an abreviated, unofficial Walks of Madrid tapas tour with Andrés back in October 2000 (wow. how time flys) after the "Party With MadridMan: Version 2.0" and we had a nice time. He took us around to a number of nice tapas bars in Huertas where we tasted a number of tapas which even I hadn't tried before.

Not really sure if he "does" discos though. Why not try to arrange a kind of gathering in Madrid through the "Classifieds & Personals" forum with others whom might be in Madrid during your dates? These have been successful for many and you'll likely have some madrileños in attendance as well.

Have fun! Saludos, MadridMan smile