Madrid Summer 2006 - 3 girls - 3 months

Posted by: Rachel@USU

Madrid Summer 2006 - 3 girls - 3 months - 02/28/06 12:35 PM

Hey all you travel knowledgeable people,
This summer, 2006, I will be coming to Madrid with my sister and a cousin. We want to learn Spanish, teach English, and have an incredible time in Madrid. But we need to find a super cheap place to live. We are all students and are on a super tight budget. We are willing to live as cheap as neccessary, but we want to be safe.
If you have any info, please let us know. We would appreciate any help!
Posted by: spanishl

Re: Madrid Summer 2006 - 3 girls - 3 months - 03/01/06 04:26 AM


what's your budget? how cheap is cheap? Madrid isn't known for being a cheap city.
Posted by: nevado

Re: Madrid Summer 2006 - 3 girls - 3 months - 03/01/06 12:29 PM

I wouldn't count on teaching English while you're there unless you already have something lined up. Few classes are offered in the summer and those that are offered are usually taken up by "old timers" hanging around for the summer. It's very low season and usually there are not enough jobs to go around, especially for the "new kid on the block."
For housing, you might want to look for something students usually rent and sublet while they're away or something. is one place to place an add as well as
Posted by: Rob in Madrid

Re: Madrid Summer 2006 - 3 girls - 3 months - 03/16/06 06:24 AM

I have to agree, Madrid is incredibly expensive, I had to hunt high and low to find a place under 1500€ month!

drop Rosario a line at

she has several places free and has the best prices around, but still not cheap