Salamanca hostels

Posted by: bernardette

Salamanca hostels - 11/02/04 11:42 PM

Howdy! I'll be in Salamanca in December and I'm looking for a good hostel in the area. Does anybody know of something relatively cheap and reliable? An email address or website would be a great help.
Muchas gracias!
Posted by: Booklady

Re: Salamanca hostels - 11/04/04 10:09 AM

Hello Bernadette,
I did not stay at a hostel when I went to Salamanca, but I stayed at a fantastic 3 star hotel, Gran Hotel, right on the corner of the Plaza Mayor for about 50 euros. I used the Bancotel system which is fantastic.

The room was great, clean and spacious and it was a double.

Hope this helps,
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: Salamanca hostels - 11/04/04 11:47 AM

bernardette, you'll find a list of links/descriptions of a number of hostels with websites @ but I haven't personally visited any of them so I can't offer any kind of recommendation. Have you conducted a SEARCH of this forum already? Use keywords like SALAMANCA HOSTEL or SALAMANCA HOSTAL.

Good luck and enjoy! Saludos, MadridMan