Used Books - Madrid

Posted by: Marisa419

Used Books - Madrid - 01/17/10 04:47 PM

This is my 2nd year studying in Madrid and through my studies I've acquired many novels and textbooks, in English and in Spanish. There are a few that I know I will most likely never touch again...

I'm looking to get rid of a few and I was wondering if anyone knows of any used book stores in Madrid that are open to buying/accepting used textbooks and/or novels, in English and in Spanish?

Thank you all so much!
Un saludo
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: Used Books - Madrid - 01/18/10 05:47 AM

Hi Marisa419!

You might try J & J's Books and Coffee on Calle Espiritu Santo, 47. I doubt they'd buy-back the textbooks but maybe the novels. They're a vast 2nd-hand book English-language book store where I've bought loads of books. They also offer free Wi-Fi and is a kind of Yank/Brit/Aussie hang-out and also organize social events.

Good luck! Saludos, MadridMan
Posted by: steve robinson

Re: Used Books - Madrid - 01/18/10 07:01 AM

I think they WOULD buy back the text books . After all they do sell them ! In fact I would say J&J get a lot of business from people looking for teaching English books . And my language school had a special arrangement with J&J where we´d have access to the books , just for study ... but if you wanted to take it home then you´d have to fork out some cash . It´s definitely skewed towards Americans , i´d say , with Dave .. the manager .. being from the States ... maybe New York . Not sure .

Just a footnote , Marisa ... J&J will only accept books in English .. nothing Spanish . They also buy DVDs if in English .
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: Used Books - Madrid - 02/10/10 02:57 PM

Marisa, have you had any luck selling those secondhand books? If so, where/how did you sell them?

Saludos, MadridMan
Posted by: Val

Re: Used Books - Madrid - 02/25/10 03:00 PM

You can also try La Librería de Lavapies on Calle Argumosa, 39 (Metros Atocha or Lavapies). They have only a small used book section. However, they take everything (Spanish, English, others). They do not pay you, but rather you set up an account and get 30% of the sales price when the books are sold (as credit). They do seem to eventually sell all the books (at least the ones I've brought in) and I've been able to get a few second-hand books for free with the credit. I read (I think on their website) that J&J will only take books less than 5 years old (but I cannot confirm if this is true, since I haven't been there yet. It's just not near where I tend to go, but it sounds like a great place).
Posted by: steve robinson

Re: Used Books - Madrid - 02/26/10 03:04 AM

I´ve bought much older books at J&J .. I bought Bret Easton Ellis´s book " Less than Zero " last year and it was a first edition . Published in the US in 1985 . I paid €6.50 for it . Maybe J&J have changed their policy as I haven´t been there for about 4 or 5 months .
By the way I got to briefly meet Bret Easton Ellis a couple of times in London , some years ago . He signed one of his books for me ! Interesting guy .